Tuesday, September 8, 2009

11 Weeks!

Today marks the begining of my 11th week of pregnancy. The baby is approximately the size of a lime. I had a Dr's appointment this morning and everything went well. I got to see Baby Baker on an ultrasound while checking for a heartbeat. I had my blood drawn for all pre-natal tests and the results should be back within the week.

Next week we go back for the NT ultrasound which tests for chromosonal abnormalities. I plan to take Julia to this so she can see the baby on the big screen.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Found baby's heartbeat on home doppler!

I am 10 weeks & 5 days pregnant today! I found the baby's heartbeat this morning on a home fetal heartbeat doppler that I bought this week. The range was between 145 and 155 beats per minute! An old wives tale says that anything above 140 is a girl... I think this is pretty close to go either way!

I don't think Julia quite understood what I was having her listen to. She was more amused at hearing her own heartbeat :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Today we are celebrating our 10 week mark! At the end of this week our little one will graduate from an embryo into a fetus. Baby baker is now about the size of a cherry tomato.

I am still feeling good other than major mood swings at night. I call them my Chuck Norris syndrome because when they occur I seriously feel like I could kick some a**. My food aversions come and go. Peppermint seems to help anytime I feel nausea after eating something that I didn't want to. The only vegetable that sounds appetizing at the moment is an artichoke. I am bummed that they are not in season.

Steve has been very patient with everything so far and Julia is still as excited as ever. I ordered a home fetal doppler monitor today. This is so I can have Julia listen to the baby's heartbeat when we can find it.

I am looking forward to appointment next week. Maybe I will get a sneak peak of the baby, but I bet I will have to wait until the 18th for my NT ultrasound. A girl can try...